Blogs tagged with: 3d
Save Time with Kuesa 3D Studio’s glTF 3D Editor Tool
Historically, developers have had to have the designers ship out each part of a 3D scene in a separate file, load all the parts individually, and then manually re-assemble the parts themselves. This was a lot of work, which has been substantially reduced with Kuesa 3D Studio and the reliance on the glTF 3D file format.
3D – Interactions with Qt, KUESA and Qt Design Studio, Part 2
In my last post, I went through a method of creating a simulated reflection with a simple scene. This time I’d like to take the technique and apply it to something a bit more realistic.
3D – Interactions with Qt, KUESA and Qt Design Studio, Part 1
This is the first in a series of blog posts about 3D and the interaction with Qt, KUESA™ and Qt 3D Studio, and other things that pop up when we’re working on something.