Kuesa 3D is now Vulkan based
We just released Kuesa 3D 2.0, a major update that now includes a new lightweight, high performance Vulkan 3D engine. Kuesa 3D is a software toolkit tailored for developers and designers who need to easily integrate high performance 3D into 2D embedded or desktop UI.
Save Time with Kuesa 3D Studio’s glTF 3D Editor Tool
Historically, developers have had to have the designers ship out each part of a 3D scene in a separate file, load all the parts individually, and then manually re-assemble the parts themselves. This was a lot of work, which has been substantially reduced with Kuesa 3D Studio and the reliance on the glTF 3D file format.
Kuesa Transform Trackers
Kuesa 3D allows designers and developers to work together on a complex 3D scene, while keeping control of their disciplines throughout the workflow. It makes the collaboration of designers and developers much more manageable by offering a seamless, integrated workflow. Designers can realize their vision using their favorite tools, developers can focus on their strengths without having to deal with design issues, and management can rely on getting better products to market faster. This blog post explores transform trackers from the perspective of a developer in an existing 3D scene.
Realtime 3D Optimization Cheat Sheet
AKA Before Handing Assets To The Engineer
Kuesa 3D Studio 1.4 is Released!
We’ve just released a new version of Kuesa 3D Studio, version 1.4.
Kuesa Object Picking
Kuesa 3D allows designers and developers to work together on a complex 3D scene, while keeping control of their disciplines throughout the workflow. This blog post explores object picking from the perspective of a developer in an existing 3D scene.
Kuesa 3D Studio 1.3 is Released

KDAB is releasing version 1.3 of the 3D integration workflow Kuesa 3D Studio, built on top of Qt 3D.
Kuesa 3D Studio 1.2 – Press Release
KUESA™ 3D Studio 1.2 released
New Features and Changes in the Kuesa 1.1.0 Release
KUESA™ is a solution that provides an integrated and unified workflow for designers and developers to create, optimize and integrate real time 3D content in a 3D or hybrid 2D/3D software user interface.
3D – Interactions with Qt, KUESA and Qt Design Studio, Part 2
In my last post, I went through a method of creating a simulated reflection with a simple scene. This time I’d like to take the technique and apply it to something a bit more realistic.
Python Binding for Kuesa 3D
KUESA™ is a Qt module designed to load, render and manipulate glTF 2.0 models in applications using Qt 3D. Kuesa provides a C++ and a QML API which makes it easy to do things like triggering animations contained in the glTF.
3D – Interactions with Qt, KUESA and Qt Design Studio, Part 1
This is the first in a series of blog posts about 3D and the interaction with Qt, KUESA™ and Qt 3D Studio, and other things that pop up when we’re working on something.